Volume 1, Number 3
October 10, 1996
At the risk of boring everyone but me to tears, here's my latest unrepresentative sample (1152 cars) of Fiat 124S Spider prices gleaned from Usenet, the Web, Hemmings Motor News, Old Cars News, and many, many other sources. These cars all have been offered for sale in the Winter, Spring and Summer of 1996 (Dec. 21, 1995 to date). A small number of cars were gleaned from a pile of magazines dating back to 1992. Subsequent editions of this list will appear at the end of each season (June, September, December, March), assuming I am able to continue this pace. It hasn't been easy the past few months.
Anyone willing to transcribe Spider ads from their local sources and email (dmcgrath@essex.njnet.com) them to me certainly has my permission to do so. You can even snailmail them to me:
Dennis C. McGrath
1803 Sunny Slope Rd.
Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807
It would be a big help, and the postperson already hates me, so there's no love lost there. I'm also interested in tales of the Spider you bought/sold, the original asking price, and what price it actually changed hands at. When the transaction occurred, a brief description of the car's condition, and mileage at time of sale would be most welcome.
Pu-leeze DON'T post any of that information directly to the Fiat Page or the Italian-cars list. And DON'T write and ask me for additional details on these cars. I went through hundreds of Web pages, Usenet groups, newspapers and magazines to glean these items. And, I DON'T DO REFERRALS. I DON'T KNOW WHERE ANY SPIDERS ARE FOR SALE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. I do not want to distribute contact information for cars long since sold. (2 am. The phone rings. Hey, some guy named Dennis sez you've got a Spy-dur fer sale . Not gonna do it. Don't ask.)
What you CAN have FREE for asking is my bookmarks list, with which you too can become the Spider sleuth you always dreamed of being. And there are even want ad purveyors who will e-mail you new Fiats EVERY DAY (well, new want ads, anyway).